Wednesday, June 11, 2014


When I started planning our first Disney World trip I was surfing the web like crazy so I wouldn't miss out on anything. I had to consider the weather, crowds, events, prices, deals, and tours that would be fun for us. Now when I say us..its me and my beau. A lot the articles I read talked about being fun for the family....well it was just us two. What would be romantic for us? What could couples do there? This was my boyfriends first time going to a Disney park and I was worried that he would think it would be too childish. I then went on youtube to find videos of couples and bumped into these 2 =D

Meet Ashley and Joe

I watched one of their videos and ended up watching all of them in one sitting. I was having a blast just watching them and started to look up their facebook page and twitter. I was really excited to find out that they post a new video every Wednesday, that is when I get my Disney fix. They are so much fun to watch!! I was so happy to find out that couples go by themselves because I thought we'd look like dorks standing in line to take a picture with characters. So if you want to go with your significant other and would like to know what you could do, watch the videos. It's really for all ages but just knowing theres a couple out there just as obsessed as I am is pretty cool. They go over the dining plan, how they plan their trips, and also answer Q&A in videos. 

I posted their first video because I started on a random episode and had to start over. My favorite video though is this one

Adventure Is Out There

As you may have guessed, I am a Disney fan. I am also a very confused person who just falls in love with everything. I want to learn everything that is out there and figure out what I want in life. So a long with Disney rants there will be day to day rants and hoping that people can read these posts and give me advise or express themselves as well. So here it goes

I am a very up and down person. If I like something then I become obsessed with it, if something doesn't catch me interest I just ignore it. I can be really excited about something or blah. I love to read. I have about 3 book shelves filled and I can probably use another one. I also love movies. I might need a whole shelf just for that but for now they are just piling up where ever there is space. I also enjoy school. I really want to start again but there are certain issues that have to be resolved before that goes on. I have no idea what I want to go to school for. My parents wanted me to get a quick degree that pays well and then go for what I really want. I have decided paralegal and then go to school for an editor because I love to read. How do I combine my passion of reading with disney. The DISNEY PUBLISHING COMPANY!! That is one path but i also love coordinating events. -cough cough- hello! Disney has a bunch events and I could help coordinate them. They also have a disney internship which would help me get in the door. Network. So obviously my dream job would be imagineering but I am not one who can draw and imagine stuff. I never played pretend as a kid and I have trouble even doing it now but I could always learn right? 

Do you think it's too much to move to FL just to be close to DW?